SABBAT Beltane

BELTANE: Time to connect with the living, breathing Universe.

The celebration of the Sabbat Beltane is upon us. Another great opportunity for me to offer you some inspirational ways in which you can honor this Sabbat. This is the third of the eight Sabbats in the Wheel of the Year. Beltane marks another important turning point in our natural seasonal cycle which as a Witch, I look forward to every time! So, lets make some time for ourselves to take note, tune in, and make the most of the wonderful changing energies that are swirling around us during this time. Take this magickal moment and incorporate it into your home, your witchcraft and all of your magickal workings. It’s a time to connect to the living, breathing energies of the universe!




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When do you celebrate Beltane?

Beltane marks the start of the summer season for most agricultural societies. If you look around, you will start to see that the trees and flowers have blossomed into beautiful, fragrant flowers and, foliage grows more rapidly. It’s a wonderful time for thriving and growing as a plant and as a person!

Beltane is the cross-quarter day, meaning it falls approximately halfway between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. It is a time where the days are getting longer and the Sun is getting stronger.

FACT: Beltane is exactly 6 months after Samhain.

Beltane is usually celebrated at the start of sundown on April 30th and finished on May 1st in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere the dates are: October 31st till November 1st. If you are a Witch who likes to be specifically correct and you want to celebrate Beltane exactly between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice here’s how you do it, choose a method which best suits you:

  • Calculate when the ecliptic longitude of the sun reaches 45 degrees
  • Observing the signs in nature
  • When livestock are moved into summer pastures
  • Follow the movement of the stars, to where the sun is positioned at 15 degrees relative to Taurus

NOTE: Taurus in the Bull symbol, one of the 4 fixed cardinal signs of the zodiac, an important power point in the astrological year.

Taurus constellation

Beltane Rituals

The ritual year is followed by Witches, Wiccan and Pagans who choose to follow and observe the Sabbats marked by the Wheel of the Year. Some Pagans choose to either reject all or select some which fit into their particular beliefs. We are all unique, so no assumptions here!

Beltane brings in energies that are capable of enhancing growth, renewing life, increased strength, vitality and sexuality. Rituals are done to protect crops, livestock and people. Fires are lit with offerings made for divine protection

Common Beltane themes: protection, growth, abundance, fertility, light, love, giving thanks and asking for continued blessings for the remainder of the year.

Wicca and Beltane

The young goddess is impregnated by the young god. Metaphorically speaking, Beltane can be seen as a time where the Horned God (the solar earth deity) has grown to the lusty young man ready to mate with the Triple Goddess in her sensual maiden aspect, young, vibrant and fertile.

What to do at Beltane?

Beltane is a great time to plan what you want to harvest by the end of the year. This could be actual crops you plant or it could be something you want to have achieved from a project or self improvement, something creative, a fertility goal, or purification outcome.

History of Beltane

The Sabbat Beltane has its roots in the ancient Roman festival – Floralia. Other celebrations around the same date are the Celtic festival of Beltaine and the European celebration of May Day. Fire was (and still is) a big part of this celebration.

The Druids would light two fires, then while they were reading incantations they walked cattle or people or both, through the gap between the two fires. Sometimes, a sacrifice was made to the god, Bel. They believed that this would protect the cattle from disease and secure the food for the people.

Beltane fires were believed to have magickal properties (Irish, Welsh, English, Scots, Isle of Man). The flames, embers ashes and smoke were believed to be capable of giving health and protection.

Morning Dew

Fire isn’t the only potent element in the celebration of Beltane, water was also used and believed to hold magickal supernatural powers. The morning dew on Beltane was believed to be infused with magickal powers which are capable of preserving youth, healing skin ailments and enhancing beauty and attractiveness. Collected in hollowed out stone, before sunrise, and sprinkled over people to grant them health and happiness.

Flowers also play a special role in Beltane celebrations with yellow flowers being the most favourable as they are symbolic of the sun and of fire. Homes were filled with flowers to ensure magickal protection.

NOTE: Why not collect some Beltane morning dew yourself. Collect into a glass jar, leave it in the sunlight then filer some more to be used for beauty and healing throughout the year.

What is Beltane?

Beltane is a blend of many traditions, beliefs and customs which all welcome the coming of May and the warmer weather that this month brings. Beltane is a time to tune into the energies of life, optimism and rejuvenation. Its a time to celebrate Spring and Summer.

Beltane celebrations reflect timeless beliefs and traditions that have stood the test of time. Its a time to celebrate the beautiful warm sunshine on our bodies once again, as we walk around the flowers in bloom as the vegetation gets ready to ripen and nourish.

QUESTION: How do you feel – energized, in love, frisky, fun, excited, magickal?

When celebrating Beltane, however you choose to do so, here are the most common themes and suggested ways in which you can full engage with this special time:

  • Lighthearted festivities outdoors
  • Health, love, fertility, protection and prosperity rituals
  • Sex magick
  • Lots of music, laughter and dancing outdoors
  • Picnics with singing and bonfires
  • Lots of flowers as decorations

How to celebrate Beltane if you live in the City

Witches, Wiccans and Pagans who live in the countryside have a distinct advantage of living within nature which makes celebrating Beltane much easier. However, do not be discouraged from celebrating Beltane to its fullest if you live in the City. Here’s how you can really connect with the energies and festivities of Beltane:

  • Fill your fire place with candles to mimic a bonfire
  • Pick up some fresh potted flowers and foliage from the grocery store or florist to bring nature into your home (if you can’t get your hands on fresh, artificial will do).
  • Plan a celebration at your closet community park
  • Make a flower garland
  • Wear bright colored clothes and flowers
  • Arrange your altar or sacred space to reflect Beltane in ways which speak to you (flowers, deities, crystals, images, herbs, candles of certain colors etc.)
  • Meditate in the sunshine or using a candle at night
  • Do a Beltane ritual at home on your own or with fellow Witches
  • Use your preferred divination tool to connect
  • Write a poem or do a painting
  • Purification bath or shower


You can adapt and change the following spells to suit your needs. The focus is on: love, purification, manifestation and abundance. When doing spellwork remember to be true to your needs and desire, keep your mind open and deeply trust in your intuition and magical powers. The magick lies within you not in the method. Your mind, your heart, your intent.

Beltane Bean Planting for Manifestation and Abundance Spell

What you need in preparation is: a handful of dried beans of your choice, some quality organic soil, a flower pot, shallow container, quartz crystal, several white/gold/yellow candles.

STEP 1: Fill the container with soil

STEP 2: Place your hands in the soil and affirm that this is the earth, the place where your wishes manifest, the land in which you will grow.

STEP 3: Visualize the entire earth, see your place on the earth as you stand right now, think of all the flourishing plant life, imagine how they look and how they smell

STEP 4: Hold the beans in your hand, think about how they will flourish and grow. For each bean think about one of your goals manifesting. Imagine you have it already, project the emotion and feelings into the bean.

STEP 5: Plant the bean in the container of soil and pour some purified water over it.

STEP 6: Place the crystal quartz in the soil, make sure you have some quartz visible

STEP 7: Surround the container with the candles thinking of the intense power of the sun that fuels the earth

STEP 8: Light the candles, invite the sunlight and positive energies and entities to enter the flames to help strengthen the thriving wish beans

STEP 9: Take a moment to think about the power of the candle flames, the power of the sun both flowing into the beans and your desires to help them grow.

STEP 10: Extinguish the candles with a candle snuffer

STEP 11: Continue to water and care for your beans until they sprout, sit beside the container every day for a few minutes and send love and joy to the soil while you envisage your desires manifesting with total success.

STEP 12: Once the beans have sprouted you can keep them in the container or transfer them outside.

NOTE: The sprouting of each bean should coincide with the manifestation of each desire/wish as it begins to manifest. Those that do not sprout, take some time to reassess those particular desires.




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